I come from cookies and cranberry juice
Playing cards for hours on end
Snuggling with grandpa and grandma in their big bed
Running my fingers along textured yarns
And sitting down to paint before dinner
I come from compassion, unconditional love, and devotion.
I come from long talks about friends and boyfriends and art and life.
Receiving handmade cards in the mail
And Thanksgivings and Christmases spent eating together (with maybe a few wacky performances thrown in for good measure)
I come from a passionate love of color and reverence for life.
I come from creating, experiencing and growing
A home with a door that is always open to visitors
And listening, real listening.
I come from what you do, not what you believe
I come from strong values:
choosing people over things,
paying attention,
quiet and powerful non judgemental support
kindness and gentleness
I come from beauty.
I come from my grandmother, Baba Dear.
Who gave birth to my mother, Barbara.
I am her body,
her bones
her blood.
And it is at this time when I’m inclined to get philosophical.
But Baba Dear always kept things real. And I think that’s harder to do.
So I would like to simply say – Baba Dear, I have always loved you. And will always love you.
It is with gratitude and reverence that I receive what you given me.
I take it with me as I walk forward in my life.
I thank you for the time you spent with us on this earth.