These days everything is shaking, rumbling, stirring
It has been like this for some time.
Sometimes in a pleasant way – laced with hope and excitement.
Sometimes it’s quite uncomfortable.
I guess change is like this.
Today it started shaking outside also. First my computer screen. Then my chair, the windows.
It felt like the world was reflecting my inner self back to me.
Outside on the street, my neighbour claimed it must have been a 5.5. I wonder what it was near the center, he mused.
Aren’t we always at the center?
If we die today, however, we’ve done our meditation and we’ll die with our spirit happy, in the right way, he says.
He says this with a smile on his face.
He’s a brilliant artist. And can say these things and they sound authentic. Not like platitudes.
We had just eaten. Rice and potatoes and turmeric and spices and cabbage and onions and garlic and peppers and achaar.
We had talked about the transitory nature of life. How quickly everything can change. And how in our life- how often it does.
As I was running down the stairs, I realized how easy it was to leave everything behind if I had needed to.
Outside of the immediately practical things (my passport, wallet, a flashlight, pen and paper, water and a house key), everything truly important to me isn’t material.
This, somehow, is reassuring.
Nora: I felt like it was appropriate that I spent today (your wedding day) with artists and philosophers and home-made food cooked with love.
In the calm now, it’s hard to know if the shaking was the beginning or the end.
And really, it doesn’t really matter.
It’s just good to enjoy the calm while it is here.
Knowing that peace and chaos can only ever co-exist.